Reviewed By Tammy Ruggles for Readers’ Favorite Feb. 26, 2021
Out of the Fog! A Story of Survival, Faith and Courage by Sandra CH Smith is an engrossing self-help book that reads like a compelling novel. The author tells of her tough, unique, and inspiring journey from addiction to recovery. Smith had it all, a dream life in the suburbs, designer clothes, dinner parties, charity boards, a successful career–until addiction reared its monstrous head. But she faced her fears and entered an enriching life of adventure when, after 8 years of being sober, she bought a 35-foot sailboat, learned how to sail, and set out to sea by herself for the most part, but with her difficult adolescent daughter on occasion. Disposing of electronic navigation systems, she spent seven years in the Pacific seeking spirituality, and herself. She adopted Christopher Columbus’s way of navigation but didn’t count on making a mistake that took her off-course.
Smith is brave to share the hardships and joys she experienced on her inward and outward journey, and readers can greatly benefit from all of it, especially if needing help fighting addiction and parenting a teenage daughter. As you read, you may feel a wide range of emotions for Smith, from surprise to shock to empathy to admiration. She writes with a candor one can appreciate because sugar-coating addiction and family strife can exacerbate the problem. Along with the hard times, you will also feel the surging tides of hope, faith, and courage. I love how this author pulls you right into her life, scene by scene, and you take this journey with her, wondering how you would fare in such circumstances. The descriptions are detailed and colorful, the narrative honest and clear, and when you reach the end, you will feel both informed and uplifted. Out of the Fog! A Story of Survival, Faith and Courage by Sandra CH Smith is an emotional journey of faith and strength.