I don’t believe in feeding wild animals because I feel it disturbs their normal methods of hunting and foraging. But this guy came right up to me when I was snacking on some peanuts and just wouldn’t leave. I finally gave in and let him have one and he almost followed me into the kitchen trying to get more! We have 9 deer living on our inn property and although the guests think they are cute, sometimes I wish I knew a hunter because they eat all my flowers and bushes. Over the years I’ve tried every method known to gardeners: one season, I scattered 200 bars of Irish Green soap in all the gardens (the guests kept asking why I had soap in the gardens! Didn’t do any good. The next season, I hung bags of garlic juice from all the bushes and plants. It was fairly expensive as the bags were flown out from Oregon. Didn’t do any good. Another year I had special sprinklers set up to spray the deer. Didn’t do any good. I finally gave up last year and just sent up prayers that they would dine elsewhere. This winter, they devoured our holly (thorns and all!) and last summer, they decided roses were tasty. We just planted a lot of pretty pansies to brighten the gardens and already “someone” has eaten a bunch of them! Oh well, they were here first, right?